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NEOLUX  |  Change lamps in pairs                                                     Cars  |  12 V Halogen headlight lamps

 Avoiding safety risks through light  Cars

          12 V Halogen headlight lamps
 Most drivers think they have nothing to worry about as long as their headlights function – all
 they have to do is change their lamps if they break or burn out. But what if it takes a while
 before they get the opportunity to replace a broken lamp?   Car lamps from NEOLUX ensure the roads ahead are well-lit and visible to others.

          Standard, Extra Light, Blue Light or Extra Lifetime?    cone and the ability to produce up to 130 % extra light  ,
 Until they do, they’ll be driving with just one headlight. This   will give you more time to consider which lamps suit your   The choice is yours!  this lamp makes an ideal fit for headlight upgrades.
 leads to a level of low light that drivers often underestimate,   needs best. Not all replacement lamps provide the same   The NEOLUX range of halogen headlight lamps offers
 resulting in a significantly reduced field of vision and there-  level of quality that comes with the lamps in a brand-new   solutions for almost any need.  Do you follow trends and make choices
 fore to an increased risk to safety. But drivers can prevent   car. The best option is to go with a good quality, value-add-  based on design?
 this by being more proactive in replacing their lamps before   ed product you can depend on and that offers a suitable   Do you value a wide range and reliable quality?  The bluish white light of our Blue Light 12 V halogen
 they go out.  design, light output and lifetime. NEOLUX’s broad portfolio   Standard 12 V halogen headlight lamps offer a variety    headlight lamps featuring xenon look give you a stylish
 offers customers a diverse selection of adequate lamps   of sockets and wattages.  appearance.
 Always in pairs  based on their preferences and needs.
 Over time, the amount of light produced by headlights    Want to see even more on the road?  Tired of having to replace your headlight lamps?
 diminishes. This means that drivers should regularly check   These include the “Standard” products as well as the per-  The high-performance Extra Light 12 V halogen headlight   With our Extra Lifetime headlight lamps, lamps need to
 that they still work – and replace them if necessary. It is    formance lamps “Extra Light”, which provide everything its   lamps from NEOLUX give up to 50 % extra light  .  be replaced less often. This gives you greater comfort
 recommended that they be checked once a year and    name implies: extra light. With a longer and brighter light   and low-maintenance light for a longer period of time.
 exchanged every two to three years. But replacing just one   cone, these performance lamps provide better light com-  Still looking for more light?
 lamp and not the other can lead to an imbalance in spot-  pared to standard products, helping drivers spot dangerous   The brand-new 130 % Extra Light lamps offer higher
 light. The one replacement lamp will be brighter than the   situations sooner and more accurately, and thereby increas-  performance over the 50 % products. With a longer light
 lamp that was not replaced, so it is important to replace the   ing valuable reaction times. Offering garages and customers
 lamps in pairs to ensure optimal light output and visibility.   good quality and performance products, NEOLUX’s broad
 Not doing so could also be a potential safety risk.  vehicle lamp portfolio makes sure drivers can always see in   Our 12 V Halogen solutions
 the dark.
 Products that add more value recommended
 The quality among headlights can differ widely. Thinking
 ahead and replacing lamps before they become an issue

           Standard           130 % Extra Light    50 % Extra Light    Blue Light           Extra Lifetime

          1 Compared to minimum ECE R112 requirements

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